Mr Alastair Graham
Mr Alastair Graham
In August 1956, my mother and father arrived at Hall Grove with a young family and set about founding a school. It was a brave enterprise, but starting with just six pupils they laid the foundations for what is today one of the leading preparatory schools in the country with 420 boys and girls and a talented teaching and support staff of over 60 men and women. Â
My own teaching career started here in 1978. 43 years later I handed over day-to-day responsibility to Neil Tomlin, our exceptional Headmaster. As Principal of the school, I remain in very close contact, overseeing key aspects of policy and helping to plan future developments.
The Graham family is delighted to see Hall Grove continue to grow and flourish. In spite of many changes it remains a thriving community and a very special place in which to live and work.
Alastair Graham - Principal
Headmaster (ID 1034)
Mr Neil Tomlin OBE
Mr Neil Tomlin OBE
Senior Management Team
Mr Tim LewisSenior Deputy Headmaster
Mr Tim Lewis
Mrs Leigh RandallDeputy Head, Pastoral
Mrs Leigh Randall
Mr Luke McLeodDeputy Head, Academic
Mr Luke McLeod
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Samantha TomlinsonEarly Years Section Leader
Mrs Samantha Tomlinson
Miss Katie HitchcoxJunior School Section Leader
Miss Katie Hitchcox
Mr Michael WheelerSection Leader Years 5, 6 and 7
Mr Michael Wheeler
Mr Chris PilgrimYear 8 Section Leader
Mr Chris Pilgrim
Miss Lizzie PostDirector of Music
Miss Lizzie Post
Mr Harry QuartermaineDirector of Sport, Y8
Mr Harry Quartermaine
Mrs Laura HopperHead of Academic Support and Enrichment - SENDco
Mrs Laura Hopper
Mr Nick RoddisHead of Boarding and Co-Curricular
Mr Nick Roddis
Teaching Staff
Teaching Staff (ID 1033)
Mrs Visnja BeggEnglish, Humanities & Art
Mrs Visnja Begg
Mrs Lisa ButcherYear 1
Mrs Lisa Butcher
Mrs Juliette Duggan-HillFrench
Mrs Juliette Duggan-Hill
Miss Kirsty DunnagePre-School & PE
Miss Kirsty Dunnage
Mrs Anne EasemanYear 1
Mrs Anne Easeman
Mrs Sue EliotJunior Maths
Mrs Sue Eliot
Mrs Natasha ElseyReception
Mrs Natasha Elsey
Miss Lucy ErridgeDance & Drama, Year 5
Miss Lucy Erridge
Mr James FletcherYear 7, English
Mr James Fletcher
Mrs Catherine FoleyVisual Arts
Mrs Catherine Foley
Mr James FoleyHead of Computing
Mr James Foley
Mrs Jannine FrameYear 6, Humanities
Mrs Jannine Frame
Miss Kirsty FurnessYear 4, Assistant Lead Pastoral (Junior School)
Miss Kirsty Furness
Mrs Angela GodleyYear 3
Mrs Angela Godley
Mr Tom GraceYear 3
Mr Tom Grace
Mrs Julia HollowayScience
Mrs Julia Holloway
Ms Lucy HolmesClassics
Ms Lucy Holmes
Mrs Kimberley KnightYear 8, Geography
Mrs Kimberley Knight
Mr Andrzej KorzeniowskiYear 6, Modern Languages
Mr Andrzej Korzeniowski
Mrs Deborah LangleyYear 3
Mrs Deborah Langley
Mrs Tamara LawsDeputy SENDCo
Mrs Tamara Laws
Mr Andrew LivermoreYear 8, English
Mr Andrew Livermore
Mrs Elizabeth LockeLibrarian & English
Mrs Elizabeth Locke
Mrs Halcyon MantonEarly Years
Mrs Halcyon Manton
Mrs Kate MaxfieldHead of Girls Games
Mrs Kate Maxfield
Mrs Alexandra MooreSpecialist Teacher, Assessor - Dyslexia
Mrs Alexandra Moore
Miss Charlotte NeateYear 2, ELSA
Miss Charlotte Neate
Mr George NevilleYear 4, ELSA
Mr George Neville
Mrs Lee ParfittYear 7, Maths
Mrs Lee Parfitt
Miss Lucy PorterYear 4, Assistant Lead Learning (Junior School)
Miss Lucy Porter
Mrs Denise RoddisBoarding House Parent, Drawing and Talking Therapist
Mrs Denise Roddis
Mrs Jessica SmithYear 2
Mrs Jessica Smith
Mrs Helen SolomonReception
Mrs Helen Solomon
Miss Louisa StimsonYear 2, ELSA, Football
Miss Louisa Stimson
Mrs Hannah StrangYear 1
Mrs Hannah Strang
Mrs Sue SymonsSpecialist Teacher / Assessor - Dyslexia
Mrs Sue Symons
Miss Lauren TorleyGames
Miss Lauren Torley
Mr Jake TuckerYear 5, Maths & Head of Boys Games
Mr Jake Tucker
Mr Tom VarneyGames
Mr Tom Varney
Mr James WebbYear 6, English, Classics, Modern Languages
Mr James Webb
Mr Philip WhiteYear 5, DT & Outdoor Education
Mr Philip White
Classroom Assistants
Classroom Assistants (ID 1015)
Mrs Rose ClubbLibrarian
Mrs Rose Clubb
Miss Hannah Colborne-FlittonEarly Years
Miss Hannah Colborne-Flitton
Mrs Paula HarragePre-Prep
Mrs Paula Harrage
Mrs Katie KingPre-Prep
Mrs Katie King
Miss Imogen MartinYear 2
Miss Imogen Martin
Miss Rachel MorrisonEarly Years
Miss Rachel Morrison
Miss Coral RosePre-School
Miss Coral Rose
Mrs Jackie TaylorLower Juniors
Mrs Jackie Taylor
Mrs Rita ThompsonEarly Years
Mrs Rita Thompson
Miss Tilly WebsterPre-Prep
Miss Tilly Webster
Mrs Charlotte PapadopoulosPre-Prep
Mrs Charlotte Papadopoulos
Mrs E FerrisPre-Prep
Mrs E Ferris
Key Administration and Medical Staff
Mrs Suzannah BrownPA to Headmaster, Compliance & HR Manager
Mrs Suzannah Brown
Miss Sarah CalhounSchool Receptionist
Miss Sarah Calhoun
Mrs Miranda JacksonSchool Nurse
Mrs Miranda Jackson
Mrs Michelle KirtleySchool Nurse
Mrs Michelle Kirtley
Mrs Laura McNairSchool Receptionist & Performing Arts Admin
Mrs Laura McNair
Ms Trish MonksFinance Manager
Ms Trish Monks
Mrs Janet RiversAdmissions & IT
Mrs Janet Rivers
Mrs Eugenie TomlinHeadmaster's Wife, Media, Housekeeping Manager
Mrs Eugenie Tomlin
Mr Paddy TyrerIT Manager
Mr Paddy Tyrer
Mrs Lindsay VetchHead of Admissions & Marketing
Mrs Lindsay Vetch
Other Staff
Other Staff (ID 1036)
Mrs Kinga AmbroziakHousekeeper
Mrs Kinga Ambroziak
Mr Waldek AmbroziakHandyman and Groundsman
Mr Waldek Ambroziak
Mrs Joanna BucklerHorticulturalist
Mrs Joanna Buckler
Miss Daisy ForderGap Student
Miss Daisy Forder
Miss Evie HarrisonGap Student
Miss Evie Harrison
Mr Chris KertonDriver
Mr Chris Kerton
Miss Aimee MillingtonGap Student
Miss Aimee Millington
Mr Mike OswinTransport Manager / Driver
Mr Mike Oswin
Mr David StevensHandyman and Groundsman
Mr David Stevens