Dance and Drama
Drama is a busy and vibrant part of our Performing Arts teaching. From Year One upwards, Drama is an integral part of the school curriculum, taught by a specialist teacher. Pupils have dedicated, timetabled lessons and work towards a range of productions throughout the School year. Pupils are taught Drama techniques as well as having opportunities to engage their creativity in lessons. Working together in groups enhances their social development and ability to work as a team.
Central to this teaching is the building of self-confidence and cross-curricular links. Practicing and performing in front of peers and parents teaches valuable movement, presentation and vocal projection skills which are embedded for life.
Drama at Hall Grove is not just about performing, although it is important to us that all our children get their chance to perform on the school stage. It is about learning key skills and techniques through Drama lessons and activities so that the children develop the confidence to speak out in front of others in a wide range of settings.
Children have different opportunities to engage in Drama at Hall Grove. As well as a weekly timetabled lesson, there are Drama Clubs for Years 3 to 8, Weekly Public Speaking clinics (Years 3-8) and the chance to take LAMDA Speech and Drama lessons, with children working towards graded exams.
Trips to theatres and visiting experts to the school deepen and inspire their learning in these areas.
Hall Grove has two performance spaces, The New Hall and the Performance Studio. Both performance spaces are equipped with professional lighting.
Drama Overview
Pre-Prep (Years 1 & 2)
The children look at stage etiquette, projecting their voice and how to use facial expression and body language to show feelings and characteristics as well as expressions to communicate through performing and mime.
Lower Juniors (Years 3 & 4)
The children look at morals within stories, imagery and traditional versus non-traditional fairy tales alongside physical theatre, mime, and working on characterisation.
Upper Juniors (Years 5 & 6)
The children look at different techniques and ways to make performance more interesting. They develop characterisation further alongside working in teams, and producing imaginative and fantasy devised pieces.
Seniors (Years 7 & 8)
The children look at poetry and scene studies studying written work, comparing and contrasting pieces of text and creating visual ideas to match the prose.
Throughout the year, the children showcase their acting, music, dance and performance skills through a yearly production.
Pre-school to Year 4 present their Nativity Plays at the end of the Autumn Term.
Children in Years 5 to 8 work towards a number of theatrical genres, including Musical Theatre, Comedic and Serious plays, as well as Shakespeare and Cabaret style performances.
The children in Pre-School and Pre-Prep also participate in smaller class assemblies throughout the year. Children higher up in their school life have opportunities for public speaking in whole school assemblies and parent events.
LAMDA Speech & Drama Exams
Children from Years 2 to 8 have the opportunity to sign up for LAMDA Speech and Drama exams and classes.
During these weekly sessions, the children will work towards a graded exam. The taking of the exam will be subject to the discretion of the Performing Arts Department, and an exam will not be taken if we feel the candidate is not at the right level to partake.